Scale-up Calculus III and Differential Equations

Bill Moss
May 10, 2005

Course Instructional Objectives

Calculus III: On completion of this course, you should be able to: construct and analyze mathematical models based on 3D curves, surfaces, and volumes by hand and using Maple.

Differential Equations: On completion of this course, you should be able to: construct and analyze mathematical models involving the most frequently arising first and second order differential equations, and a systems of differential equations by hand and using Maple..

Required Resources
Text: Calculus, by James Stewart, 5th Edition & Differential Equations, by Polking, Boggess, and Arnold
Laptop: Clemson Laptop Program laptop or equivalent in class everyday
Software: Maple 9.5.2, licensed by Clemson, use the Cisco Vpn client for off-campus access (see instructor)
Course Structure

These courses will be offered in scale-up mode. Class business and a mini-lecture may occupy up to 20 minutes of each class period. During the remaining time, you will work individually and in teams on various learning activities including team self-assessment quizzes, mini-projects, problem solving in a course journal, problem solving in a Maple tutorial worksheet, and team projects. The instructor will serve as a coach during this problem solving time. Student questions will often be answered for the benefit of the entire class. Learning activities will be continued outside of class, supported by various methods of electronic communication.

Problem solving by hand is an important first step in the learning process. The course journal is intended to collect this work for checking once a week by two teaching assistants. The journal grades will depend on the number of problems completed and a randomly chosen problem will be graded in detail. Easy to moderately difficult problems will be worked by hand, while easy to difficult problems will be solved with Maple. The Maple tutorials include instructional objectives, the main mathematical points with examples worked by hand and with Maple, course journal problem assignments, and Maple problems to be worked at the end of the tutorial worksheet. Tutorials will be submitted electronically for grading.

Instructional objectives tell you what you should be able to do at the end of each lesson. It is your responsibility to master these objectives. Resources available to you include the instructor, the teaching assistants, your fellow students, the course Blackboard site, the library, and the Academic Support Center's Supplemental Instruction.

  • Four 100 point hybrid exams (40%) - in class closed book, closed notes, closed laptop, calculator allowed; out of class open book, notes, calculator, laptop, and Maple.
  • Final exam (20%)
  • Projects - 2 (10%)
  • Tutorials - 3.5 per week (15%), three lowest grades dropped, 0 points for submission after grading date.
  • Low-stakes quizzes - (5%)
  • Course Journal - (10%), weekly in class check, two lowest grades dropped, one week grace period.
  • Grading: A = 90 - 100, B = 80 - 89, C = 70 - 79, D = 60 - 69, F = 0 - 59.
Course Policies
  • Bring your laptop to every class, along with a short Ethernet cable, and a charged battery or a power brick.
  • The Blackboard course management system will be used in this course.
  • Attendance is expected and necessary for successful completion of the course. You may be withdrawn from the course by the instructor for four unexcused absences before drop date.
  • Students are expected to adhere to the following official Clemson academic integrity statement. You may get and give help with your journal and tutorial assignments but do not submit another student's work.
    "As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson’s vision of this institution as a ‘high seminary of learning.’ Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form."