title: "Distance Learning Using WebCT" author: "Bill Moss" width: 700 height: 500 audio file: audio.rm number of slides: 20 audio begin offset seconds: 0 img001.gif "1: Distance Learning Using WebCT" 00:00:00.000 00:00:26.555 img002.gif "2: What is a Course Management System?" 00:00:26.555 00:01:47.461 img003.gif "3: What are the Top Products?" 00:01:47.461 00:01:59.629 img004.gif "4: Implementation" 00:01:59.629 00:03:13.375 img005.gif "5: Course Design Issues" 00:03:13.375 00:03:40.775 img006.gif "6: WebCT at Clemson" 00:03:40.775 00:04:16.255 webct_clemson.gif "7: WebCT at Clemson Homepage Snapshot" 00:04:16.255 00:04:31.859 clemson_courses.gif "8: Courses Homepage Snapshot" 00:04:31.859 00:04:45.419 img007.gif "9: WebCT Authoring" 00:04:45.419 00:05:23.314 img008.gif "10: WebCT Communication Tools" 00:05:23.314 00:06:06.875 img009.gif "11: WebCT Assessment Tools" 00:06:06.875 00:06:46.349 img010.gif "12: WebCT Content Tools" 00:06:46.349 00:07:10.405 img011.gif "13: References" 00:07:10.405 00:07:40.312 434home.gif "14: Advance Engineering Mathematics Homepage Snapshot" 00:07:40.312 00:08:16.071 contents.gif "15: Contents Snapshot" 00:08:16.071 00:08:52.015 bb.gif "16: Bulletin Board Snapshot" 00:08:52.015 00:09:23.966 calendar.gif "17: Calendar Snapshot" 00:09:23.966 00:09:51.458 quiz.gif "18: Quiz Question Snapshot" 00:09:51.458 00:10:22.666 more_tools.gif "19: More Tools Snapshot" 00:10:22.666 00:10:45.979 statspro.gif "20: Exam 1 Statistics Snapshot" 00:10:45.979 00:11:01.582