External Interface Library

Matrix Access Routines                                                       
mxCreateFull      Allocate  Matrices                                   
mxCreateSparse    Allocate Matrices                                    
mxCreateString    Create string from Matrix.                           
mxFreeMatrix      Free Matrices                                        
mxGetIr           Get sparse ir arrays.                                
mxGetJc           Get sparse jc arrays.                               
mxGetM            Get the row  dimension of a Matrix.                  
mxGetN            Get column dimension of a Matrix.                    
mxGetName         Get  the name of a Matrix.                           
mxGetNzmax        Get the maximum number of sparse nonzero entries.                                             
mxGetPi           Get pointers to the real and imaginary parts of a Matrix.                                              
mxGetPr           Get pointers to the real and imaginary parts of a Matrix.                                              
mxGetScalar       Get the (1,1) element of a Matrix.                   
mxGetString       Create string from Matrix and get string Matrix.     
mxIsComplex       Inquire whether a Matrix is complex.                 
mxIsDouble        Inquire if the Matrix is of type double.             
mxIsFull          Inquire sparsity of a Matrix.                        
mxIsNumeric       Inquire if Matrix contains numeric or string data.                                                
mxIsSparse        Inquire sparsity of a Matrix.                        
mxIsString        Inquire if Matrix contains numeric or string data.                                                
mxSetIr           Set the sparse ir array.                             
mxSetJc           Set the sparse jc array.                             
mxSetM            Set the row dimension of a Matrix.                   
mxSetN            Set the column dimensions of a Matrix.               
mxSetName         Set the name of a Matrix.                            
mxSetNzmax        Set the maximum number of sparse nonzero entries.                                             
mxSetPi           Set  pointers to the real and imaginary parts of a Matrix.                                              
mxSetPr           Set  pointers to the real and imaginary parts of a Matrix.                                              
Memory Allocation Routines
mxCalloc          Allocate memory using MATLAB's memory manager.                                
mxFree            Free memory using MATLAB's memory manager.                                   
Fortran and C Conversion Routines                                       
mxCopyCharacterToPtr Copy CHARACTER values between Fortran and pointer arrays.             
mxCopyComplex16ToPtr Copy COMPLEX*16 values between Fotran and pointer arrays.            
mxCopyInteger4ToPtr  Copy INTEGER*4 values between Fotran and pointer arrays.             
mxCopyPtrToCharacter Copy CHARACTER values between Fotran and pointer arrays.             
mxCopyPtrToComplex16 Copy COMPLEX*16 values between Fortran and pointer arrays.             
mxCopyPtrToInteger4  Copy INTEGER*4 values between Fortran and pointer arrays.             
mxCopyPtrToReal8     Copy REAL*8 values between Fortran and pointer arrays.                  
mxCopyReal8ToPtr     Copy REAL*8 values between Fortran and pointer arrays.                  
MEX-File Routines                                                 
mexAtExit          Register a function to be called on shutdown.  
mexCallMATLAB      Call internal MATLAB functions.                
mexErrMsgTxt       Issue error message and return to MATLAB.      
mexEvalString      Execute statement in string.                   
mexFunction        Entry point to a MEX-file.                     
mexGetFull         Easier way  to get full Matrices into a workspace.                                         
mexGetMatrix       Get Matrices into a MEX-file's caller's workspace.                                         
mexGetMatrixPtr    Get the pointer to a Matrix in the caller's workspace.                                     
mexPrintf          Buffered printf routine.                       
mexPutFull         Easier way to put full Matrices into a workspace.                                         
mexPutMatrix       Put Matrices into a MEX-file's caller's workspace.                                         
mexSetTrapFlag     Control response of mexCallMATLAB to errors.                                        
MAT-File Routines                                               
matClose           Closes MAT-files.                            
matDeleteMatrix    Delete named Matrix from MAT-file.           
matGetDir          Get directory of Matrices in a MAT-file.     
matGetFp           Get file pointer to a MAT-file.              
matGetFull         Easiest way to get  full Matrices into MAT-files.                                       
matGetMatrix       Get Matrices into MAT-files.                 
matGetNextMatrix   Get next Matrix from MAT-file                
matGetString       Get string Matrices into MAT-files.          
matOpen            Open MAT-files.                              
matPutFull         Easiest way to  put full Matrices into MAT-files.                                       
matPutMatrix       Put Matrices into MAT-files.                 
matPutString       Put string Matrices into MAT-files.          
Engine Routines                                                
engClose            Kill a MATLAB engine.                      
engEvalString       Execute statement in string.               
engGetFull          Easier way to get full Matrices into an engine.                                    
engGetMatrix        Get Matrices into a MATLAB engine's workspace.                                     
engOpen             Start a MATLAB engine.                     
engOutputBuffer     Define output buffer.                      
engPutFull          Easier way to put full Matrices into an engine.                                    
engPutMatrix        Put Matrices into a MATLAB engine's workspace.                                     
engSetEvalCallback  Enable nonblocking engEvalString calls.    
engSetEvalTimeout   Set timeout duration for engine routines.  
engWinInit          Initialize the engine library with the     
                    instance handle of your Windows program.   
DDE Routines (Windows Platform Only)                                              
ddeadv        Set up advisory link between MATLAB and DDE server application.                      
ddeexec       Send execution string to DDE server application.                                        
ddeinit       Initiate DDE conversation between MATLAB and another application.                 
ddepoke       Send data from MATLAB to DDE server application.                                 
ddereq        Request data from DDE server application.    
ddeterm       Terminate DDE conversation between MATLAB and server application.                  
ddeunadv      Release an advisory link between MATLAB and DDE server application.                  