Three-Dimensional Graphics

Line and Area Fill Commands                                                        
fill3       Draw filled three-dimensional polygons in 3-D space.  
plot3       Plot lines and points in three-dimensional space.     
Contour and Other 2-D Plots of 3-D Data                                               
clabel       Contour plot elevation labels.               
comet3       Three-dimensional animated comet plot.       
contour      Contour plot.                                
contour3     Three-dimensional contour plot.              
contourc     Contour plot computation (used by contour). 
image        Display image.                               
imagesc      Scale data and display as image.             
pcolor       Pseudocolor (checkerboard) plot.             
quiver       Quiver plot.                                 
slice        Volumetric slice plot.                       
Surface and Mesh Plots                                                   
mesh         Three-dimensional mesh surface.                  
meshc        Combination mesh/contour plot.                   
meshz        Three-dimensional mesh with zero plane.          
slice        Volumetric visualization plot.                   
surf         Three-dimensional shaded surface.                
surfc        Combination surf/contour plot.                   
surfl        Three-dimensional shaded surface with lighting.  
waterfall    Waterfall plot.                                  
Graph Appearance                                                    
axis         Axis scaling and appearance.                      
caxis        Pseudocolor axis scaling.                         
colormap     Color lookup table.                               
hidden       Mesh hidden line removal mode.                    
shading      Color shading mode.                               
view         Three-dimensional graph viewpoint specification.  
viewmtx      View transformation matrices.                     
Graph Annotation                                             
grid         Grid lines.                                
legend       Add legend to plot.                        
text         Text annotation.                           
title        Graph title.                               
xlabel       X-axis label.                              
ylabel       Y-axis label.                              
zlabel       Z-axis label for three-dimensional plots.  
3-D Objects                      
cylinder     Generate cylinder.  
sphere       Generate sphere.    
Coordinate System Conversion                                   
cart2sph     Cartesian to polar coordinates.  
sph2cart     Polar to Cartesian coordinates.  

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.