

Set command line editing and recall parameters (UNIX only).




cedit('on') enables command line edit and recall mode. In this mode, valid keystrokes are

Keystroke      Description                                     
Ctrl-p         Previous line                                   
Ctrl-n         Next line                                       
Ctrl-b         One character left                              
Ctrl-f         One character right                             
Esc-b, Ctrl-l  Cursor word left (not supported on Macintosh)   
Esc-f, Ctrl-r  Cursor word right (not supported on Macintosh)  
Ctrl-a         Beginning of line                               
Ctrl-e         End of line                                     
Ctrl-u         Cancel line                                     
Ctrl-d         In-place delete                                 
Ctrl-t         Insert toggle (not supported on Macintosh)      
Ctrl-k         Delete to end of line                           
cedit('off') turns off the command line edit and recall facility.

cedit('vms') enables VMS key definitions:

Keystroke  Description         
Ctrl-l     Cursor word left    
Ctrl-r     Cursor word right   
Ctrl-b     Beginning of line   
Ctrl-e     End of line         
Ctrl-u     Cancel line         
Ctrl-a     Insert toggle       
Ctrl-d     EOF                 
cedit('emacs') returns to the default Emacs key definitions. This option is always in effect for MS-Windows and Macintosh systems, in addition to the standard fixed key bindings.

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.