

Covariance matrix.


C = cov(X)
C = cov(x,y)


C = cov(X), where X is a vector, returns a scalar containing the variance. C = cov(X), where X is a matrix with each row an observation and each column a variable, returns the covariance matrix. diag(cov(X)) is a vector of variances for each column, and sqrt(diag(cov(X))) is a vector of standard deviations.

cov(X) is the 0-th lag of the covariance function, that is, the 0-th lag of xcov(X)/(n-1) packed into a square array.

cov(x,y), where x and y are column vectors of equal length, is equivalent to cov([x y]).

cov removes the mean from each column before calculating the results.


The basic algorithm for cov is

[n,p] = size(X);
X = X-ones(n,1)*mean(X);
Y = X'*X/(n-1);

See Also

corrcoef, mean, std

xcorr, xcov in the Signal Processing Toolbox

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.