

Execute one or more lines from a breakpoint.


dbstep nlines
dbstep in


The dbstep command allows you to debug an M-file function by following its execution from the current breakpoint. At a breakpoint, the dbstep command steps through execution of the current M-file function one line at a time or at the rate specified by nlines.

dbstep executes the next executable line of the current M-file is executed.

dbstep nlines executes the specified number of executable lines.

Use dbstep in when the next executable line is a call to another M-file function, and you want to step to the first executable line of the called function.

See Also

dbclear, dbcont, dbdown, dbstack, dbstatus, dbstop, dbtype, dbup

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.