

Start a MATLAB engine.

C Synopsis

#include "engine.h"
Engine *engOpen(startcmd)
  char *startcmd;

Fortran Synopsis

integer*4 function engOpen(startcmd)
integer*4 ep
character*(*) startcmd


engine pointer
string to start MATLAB process


This routine allows you to start a MATLAB process for the purpose of

using MATLAB as a compute engine.

engOpen(startcmd) starts a MATLAB process using the command specified in the string startcmd, establishes a connection, and returns a unique engine identifier, or NULL if the open fails.

On the UNIX system, if startcmd is NULL or the empty string, engOpen starts MATLAB on the current host using the command matlab. If startcmd is a hostname, engOpen starts MATLAB on the designated host by embedding the specified hostname string into the larger string:

"rsh hostname \"/bin/csh -c 'setenv DISPLAY\
  hostname:0; matlab'\""
If startcmd is any other string (has white space in it, or nonalphanumeric characters), the string is executed literally to start MATLAB.

engOpen performs the following steps:

1. Creates two pipes.
2. Forks a new process and sets up the pipes to pass stdin and stdout from the child to two file descriptors in the parent.
3. Executes a command to run MATLAB (rsh for remote execution).
On the VMS system, if startcmd is NULL or the empty string, engOpen starts MATLAB using the command MATLAB.

If startcmd is any other string (has white space in it, or nonalphanumeric characters), the string is executed literally to start MATLAB.

engOpen performs the following steps:

1. Creates two mailboxes.
2. Spawns a new process using these mailboxes as input and output.
3. Executes a command in the process to run MATLAB.
Under MS-Windows on a PC, engOpen opens a DDE channel to MATLAB.


Start a MATLAB engine on the UNIX or VMS machine that you are currently logged into:

/* engtest2.c */ 
#include <stdio.h>
#include "engine.h"
  Engine ep;
  if (!(ep = engOpen("\0"))) {
   fprintf(stderr,"\nCan't start MATLAB engine");
The Fortran version of this example is in engtest2.f.

Call engOpen to start a process on the UNIX machine called labrea:

Call engOpen to run MATLAB on Fred's account on the UNIX machine called labrea, and set the X display to the machine called wilkinson:

engOpen("rsh -l fred labrea \"/bin/csh -c \
  'setenv DISPLAY wilkinson:0; matlab'\"");
Start a MATLAB engine in MS-Windows on a PC:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "engine.h"
int WINAPI WinMain          (HANDLE hInstance,
                                          HANDLE hPrevInstance,
                                          LPSTR lpszCmdLine,
                                          int nCmdShow)
        Engine *ep;
        engWinInit (hInstance);
        if (!(ep = engOpen(lpszCmdLine))) {
                MessageBox ((HWND)NULL, (LPSTR)"Can't start MATLAB 
                        (LPSTR) "Engtest2.c", MB_OK);
        return TRUE;

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.