

Graphical input using the mouse in the graph window.


[x,y] = ginput(n)
[x,y] = ginput
[x,y,button] = ginput(...)


ginput provides the means of selecting points from the figure window using a mouse or arrow keys. Note that the window focus must be on the figure window for ginput to receive input.

[x,y] = ginput(n) gets n points from the current axes and returns the x- and y-coordinates in the column vectors x and y, respectively.

Use the mouse (or the arrow keys on some systems) to position the cursor. Enter data points by pressing a mouse button or a key on the keyboard. To terminate input before entering n points, press the Return key.

[x,y] = ginput gathers an unlimited number of points until the Return key is pressed.

[x,y,button] = ginput(n) and [x,y,button] = ginput return a third result, button, that contains a vector of integers specifying which mouse buttons were used (1, 2, 3 from left) or ASCII numbers if keys on the keyboard were used. If you do not specify an input argument, ginput gathers an unlimited number of points until you press the Return key.

See Also


(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.