

Entry point to a MEX-file.

C Synopsis

#include "mex.h"
void mexFunction(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs)
  int nlhs;
  Matrix *plhs[];
  int nrhs;
  Matrix *prhs[];

Fortran Synopsis

subroutine mexFunction(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs)
integer*4 nlhs,nrhs,plhs(*),prhs(*)


number of output Matrices
number of input Matrices
pointer array for output Matrices
pointer array for input Matrices


mexFunction is not a routine you can call in the External Interface Library, rather it is the entry point to the MEX-file gateway routine. The arguments contain the MATLAB arguments with which you invoke the MEX-function. In the syntax of the MATLAB language, functions have the general form

[a,b,c,...] = fun(d,e,f,...)
where the ... denotes more items of the same format. The a,b,c... are left-hand side arguments and the d,e,f... are right-hand side arguments. The arguments nlhs and nrhs contain the number of left-hand side and right-hand side arguments, respectively, with which the MEX-function is called. prhs is a pointer to a length nrhs array of pointers to the right-hand side Matrices. plhs is a pointer to a length nlhs array where your C function must put pointers for the returned left-hand side Matrices.

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.