mexGetMatrix, mexPutMatrix


Get and put Matrices into a MEX-file's caller's workspace.

C Synopsis

#include "mex.h"
Matrix *mexGetMatrix(name)
  char *name;
int mexPutMatrix(mp)
  Matrix *mp;

Fortran Synopsis

integer*4 function mexGetMatrix(name)
integer*4 function mexPutMatrix(mp)
integer*4 mp
character*(*) name


Matrix pointer
name of Matrix to get or put from workspace


These routines allow you to put a Matrix into a MEX-file's caller's workspace and to copy a Matrix out of the workspace.

mexGetMatrix reads the named Matrix from the caller's workspace and returns a pointer to a newly allocated Matrix structure, or NULL if the attempt fails.

mexPutMatrix writes Matrix mp to the caller's workspace. If the Matrix does not exist in the workspace, it is created. If a Matrix with the same name already exists in the workspace, the existing Matrix is replaced with the new Matrix.

mexPutMatrix returns 0 if successful and 1 if an error occurs.

Be careful in your code to free the Matrix created by this routine when you are finished with it.

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.