mexGetFull, mexPutFull


Easier way to get and put full Matrices into a workspace.

C Synopsis

#include "mex.h"
int mexGetFull(name,m,n,pr,pi)
  char *name;
  int *m;
  int *n;
  double **pr;
  double **pi;
int mexPutFull(name,m,n,pr,pi)
  char *name;
  int m;
  int n;
  double *pr;
  double *pi;

Fortran Synopsis

integer*4 function mexGetFull(name,m,n,pr,pi)
integer*4 function mexPutFull(name,m,n,pr,pi)
integer*4 m,n,pr,pi
character*(*) name


row dimension
column dimension
name of Matrix to get or put into workspace
pointer to imaginary part
pointer to real part


Most MATLAB applications work only with full (nonsparse) Matrices. These routines provide an easy way to write a full Matrix into a MEX-file's caller's workspace and to copy a full Matrix out. They offer an alternative to mexGetMatrix and mexPutMatrix, which do not require use of the Matrix structure.

mexGetFull reads the named Matrix from the caller's workspace and places the row dimensions, column dimensions, real array pointer, and imaginary array pointer into the locations specified by m, n, pr, and pi, respectively.

mexGetFull returns 0 if successful, and 1 otherwise.

mexGetFull allocates memory for the real and imaginary arrays using mxCalloc; use mxFree to return it when you are done.

If the Matrix is purely real, the imaginary pointer is given NULL.

mexPutFull writes the Matrix with dimensions m-by-n, real data pr, and imaginary data pi into the calling workspace with the specified name.

If the Matrix does not exist in the calling function's workspace, it is created. If a Matrix with the same name already exists in the workspace, the existing Matrix is replaced with the new Matrix.

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.