

Polynomial derivative.


k = polyder(p)
k = polyder(a,b)
[q,d] = polyder(b,a)


k = polyder(p), where p is a vector whose elements are the coefficients of a polynomial in descending powers, returns the derivative of that polynomial. k is a vector containing the coefficients of the derivative in descending powers.

k = polyder(a,b) returns the derivative of the product of the polynomials a and b.

[q,d] = polyder(b,a) returns the derivative of the polynomial quotient b/a, where the derivative is represented by q/d.


The derivative of the product

is obtained with

a = [3 6 9];
b = [1 2 0];
k = polyder(a,b)
k = 
    12    36    42    18
This result represents the polynomial

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