

Sound axis scaling.


saxis([smin smax])
v = saxis


The sound function ordinarily scales its input vector y so that the maximum and minimum values in y correspond to the maximum and minimum input ranges allowed by the sound hardware. Usually this is in the range ±1.0. saxis is analogous to caxis and axis, only its scaling applies to sound limits rather than graphical limits.

saxis([smin smax]) disables sound's automatic scaling and sets the scaling so that smin and smax correspond to the minimum and maximum input ranges allowed by the sound hardware.

saxis('auto') sets sound axis scaling back to automatic.

v = saxis returns the two-element row vector v containing the [smin smax] currently in effect.


Set the sound limits to ±1.0 and play a 1000 Hz tone using an 8192 Hz sample rate:

saxis([-1 1])
t = (0:10000)/8192;
y = sin(2*pi*1000*t);
saxis([-2  2])       %increase the volume
saxis([-.5  .5])     %decrease the volume

See Also

axis, caxis, sound

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.