

Extract and create sparse band and diagonal matrices.


[B,d] = spdiags(A)
B = spdiags(A,d)
A = spdiags(B,d,A)
A = spdiags(B,d,m,n)


The spdiags function, which generalizes the built-in function diag, deals with three matrices, in various combinations, as both input and output:

  • A is an m-by-n matrix, usually (but not necessarily) sparse, with its nonzero or specified elements located on p diagonals.
  • B is a min(m,n)-by-p matrix, usually (but not necessarily) full, whose columns are the diagonals of A.
  • d is a vector of length p whose integer components specify the diagonals in A.
    Roughly, A, B, and d are related by

    for k = 1:p
        B(:,k) = diag(A,d(k))
    Four different operations, distinguished by the number of input arguments, are possible with spdiags:

    [B,d] = spdiags(A) extracts all nonzero diagonals.

    B = spdiags(A,d) extracts the diagonals specified by d.

    A = spdiags(B,d,A) replaces the specified diagonals.

    A = spdiags(B,d,m,n) creates a sparse matrix from its diagonals.

    The precise relationship among A, B, and d is

    if m >= n
        for k = 1:p
            for j = max(1,1+d(k)):min(n,m+d(k))
                B(j,k) = A(j-d(k),j);
    if m < n
        for k = 1:p
            for i = max(1,1-d(k)):min(m,n-d(k))
                B(i,k) = A(i,i+d(k));
    Some elements of B, corresponding to positions outside of A, are not defined by these loops. They are not referenced when B is input and are set to zero when B is output.


    This example generates a sparse tridiagonal representation of the classic second difference operator on n points.

    e = ones(n,1);
    A = spdiags([e -2*e e], -1:1, n, n)
    Turn it into Wilkinson's test matrix (see wilkinson):

    A = spdiags(abs(-(n-1)/2:(n-1)/2)',0,A)
    Finally recover the three diagonals:

    B = spdiags(A)
    The second example is not square.

    A = [ 11    0   13    0
           0   22    0   24
           0    0   33    0
          41    0    0   44
           0   52    0    0
           0    0   63    0
           0    0    0   74]
    Here m = 7, n = 4, and p = 3.

    The statement [B,d] = spdiags(A) produces d = [-3 0 2]' and

    B = [ 41   11    0
          52   22    0
          63   33   13
          74   44   24]
    Conversely, with the above B and d, the expression spdiags(B,d,7,4) reproduces the original A.

    See Also


    (c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.