

MATLAB string handling.


The statement t = 'Hello, World.' creates a vector whose components are the ASCII codes for the characters. The column dimension of t is the number of characters. It is no different than other MATLAB vectors, except that it displays as text instead of the decimal ASCII codes:

t =
Hello, World.
Associated with each MATLAB variable is a flag that, if set, tells the MATLAB output routines to display the variable as text. t = abs(t) is one way of clearing the flag so the vector is displayed in its decimal ASCII representation. t = setstr(t) sets the flag back to text display.

isstr(t) returns 1 if t is a string, and 0 otherwise.

Two single quotes indicate a quote within a string.

To concatenate strings, treat them as vectors:

x = 'Hello, ';
y = 'World';
z = [x y]
z =
Hello, World.


The string

s = ['It is 1 o''clock', 7, 13, 'It is 2']
uses two quotes to indicate a single quote, and includes a bell (ASCII 7) on all platforms except Macintosh, and a carriage return (ASCII 13) on all platforms.

See Also

abs, isstr, setstr, strcmp

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.