

Locate functions and files.


which funname


which funname displays the full pathname of the specified function. The function can be an M-file, MEX-file, built-in function, or SIMULINK graphical function. Built-in functions and SIMULINK graphical functions display a message indicating that they are built in to MATLAB or are part of SIMULINK.


For example,

which inv
reveals that inv is a built-in function, and

which pinv
indicates that pinv is in the matfun directory of the MATLAB toolbox.

The statement

which inverse
probably says

inverse not found 
because there is no file inverse.m on MATLAB's search path. Contrast this with lookfor inverse, which takes longer to run, but finds several matches to the keyword inverse in its search through all the help entries. (If inverse.m does exist in the current directory, or in some private directory that has been added to MATLAB's search path, which inverse finds it.)

See Also

dir, exist, help, lookfor, path, what, who

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.