Character String Functions

abs      Convert string to numeric values.                    
blanks   Create string of blanks.                             
deblank  Remove trailing blanks and null spaces from string.  
eval     Execute string with MATLAB expression.               
findstr  Find one string within another.                      
isstr    True for string.                                     
setstr   Convert numeric values to string.                    
str2mat  Form text matrix from individual strings.            
string   About character strings in MATLAB.                   
strrep   String search and replace.                           
strtok   First token in string.                               
String Comparison                                  
isletter  True for alphabetic character.  
lower     Convert string to lower case.   
strcmp    Compare strings.                
upper     Convert string to upper case.   
 String to Number Conversion                                                  
int2str   Convert integer to string.                      
num2str   Convert number to string.                       
sprintf   Convert number to string under format control.  
sscanf    Convert string to number under format control.  
str2num   Convert string to number.                       
Hexadecimal to Number Conversion                                                     
dec2hex   Convert decimal integer to hex string.             
hex2dec   Convert hex string to decimal integer.             
hex2num   Convert hex string to IEEE floating-point number.  

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.