General Purpose Commands

Managing Commands and Functions                                                  
demo           Run demos.                                      
expo           Run MATLAB EXPO demonstration program.          
help           Online documentation.                           
info           Information about MATLAB and The MathWorks.     
lasterr        Last error message generated.                   
lookfor        Keyword search through the help entries.        
path           Control MATLAB's search path.                   
subscribe      Become a subscribing MATLAB user.               
type           List M-file.                                    
ver            Current MATLAB and toolbox versions.            
version        Current MATLAB version number.                  
what           Directory listing of M-, MAT- and MEX-files.    
whatsnew       Display README files for MATLAB and toolboxes.  
which          Locate functions and files.                     
Managing Variables and the Workspace                                              
clear          Clear variables and functions from memory.  
disp           Display matrix or text.                     
length         Length of vector.                           
load           Retrieve variables from disk.               
pack           Consolidate workspace memory.               
save           Save workspace variables to disk.           
size           Size of matrix.                             
who            List current variables.                     
whos           List current variables, long form.          
Working with Files and the Operating Environment                                                    
cd             Change current working directory.                 
cedit          Set command line editing parameters (UNIX only).  
delete         Delete file.                                      
diary          Save text of MATLAB session.                      
dir            Directory listing.                                
getenv         Get environment value.                            
hostid         MATLAB server host identification number.         
ls             Directory listing.                                
matlabroot     Root directory of MATLAB installation.            
pwd            Show current working directory.                   
tempdir        Name of system temporary directory.               
tempname       Unique name for temporary file.                   
terminal       Set graphics terminal type.                       
unix           Execute operating system command; return result.  
!              Execute operating system command.                 
Controlling the Command Window                                           
clc            Clear command window.                    
echo           Echo commands inside script files.       
format         Set output format.                       
home           Send cursor home.                        
more           Control paged output in command window.  
Starting and Quitting from MATLAB                                           
matlabrc       Master startup M-file.                   
quit           Terminate MATLAB.                        
startup        M-file executed when MATLAB is invoked.  

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.