Graphics Functions

Figure Window Creation and Control                   
capture   Screen capture of current figure (UNIX only).    
clf       Clear current figure.            
close     Close figure.              
figure    Create Figure (graph window).          
gcf       Get handle to current figure.         
graymon   Set default figure properties for grayscale monitors.  
newplot   Determine correct axes and figure for new graph.   
refresh   Redraw current figure window.          
whitebg   Toggle figure background color.        
Axis Creation and Control              
axes      Create axes in arbitrary positions. 
axis      Control axis scaling and appearance.  
caxis     Control pseudocolor axis scaling.   
cla       Clear current axes.       
gca       Get handle to current axes.     
hold      Hold current graph.       
ishold    True if hold is on.       
subplot   Create axes in tiled positions.   
Handle Graphics Objects            
axes       Create axes.        
figure     Create figure window.     
image      Create image.       
line       Create line.        
patch      Create patch.       
surface    Create surface.       
text       Create text.        
uicontrol  Create user interface control.  
uimenu     Create user interface menu.   
Handle Graphics Operations              
delete     Delete object.          
drawnow    Flush pending graphics events.    
findobj    Find object with specified properties.  
gco        Get handle of current object.     
get        Get object properties.      
reset      Reset object properties.      
rotate     Rotate an object.         
set        Set object properties.      
Dialog Boxes                  
uigetfile  Retrieve name of file to open through dialog box. 
uiputfile  Retrieve name of file to write through dialog box.  
Hardcopy and Storage              
orient     Set paper orientation.      
print      Print graph or save graph to file.  
printopt   Configure local printer defaults. 
 Movies and Animation            
getframe   Get movie frame.      
movie      Play recorded movie frames.   
moviein    Initialize movie frame memory.  
ginput      Graphical input from mouse.     
ishold      Return hold state.        
rbbox       Rubberband box for region selection.  
waitforbuttonpress  Wait for key/button press over figure.  

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.