Low-level File I/O Functions

File Opening and Closing               
fclose    Close file.  
fopen     Open file.   
Unformatted I/O                               
fread      Read binary data from file.  
fwrite     Write binary data to file.   
Formatted I/O                                                   
fgetl      Read line from file, discard newline character.  
fgets      Read line from file, keep newline character.     
fprintf    Write formatted data to file.                    
fscanf     Read formatted data from file.                   
File Positioning                                  
feof       Test for end-of-file.           
ferror     Inquire file I/O error status.  
frewind    Rewind file.                    
fseek      Set file position indicator.    
ftell      Get file position indicator.    
String Conversion                                     
sprintf    Write formatted data to string.    
sscanf     Read string under format control.  
Specialized File I/O                                                      
csvread    Read a file of comma separated values.              
csvwrite   Write a file of comma separated values.           
uigetfile  Retrieve name of file to open through dialog box.   
uiputfile  Retrieve name of file to write through dialog box.  
wk1read    Read a Lotus123 WK1 spreadsheet file.               
wk1write   Write a Lotus123 WK1 spreadsheet file.              

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.