Homework Assignments
September 3
  • Exercise 1 - Make a copy of the Temperature3.c program (Fahrenheit to Celsius version 3) and modify it to print a header line that labels each column.

  • Exercise 2 - rewrite the program in Exercise 1 to run in Matlab.

  • Exercise 3 - rewrite the Matlab program that you developed for Exercise 3 in MTHSC 360 as a C program. However, I want you to go the extra step and insure that there are no empty lines, and no lines that start or end with a comma and a space.

    Here's a reminder of what the Matlab exercise entails:

    Write a program which examines the numbers from 1 to 100.
    If a number is divisible by three and by five, then the program should print "Orange and White" on a line by itself.
    If a number is divisible by three and not divisible by five, then the program should print "Orange" on the current line followed by a new line.
    If a number is not divisible by three but is divisible by five, then the program should print "White" on the current line followed by a new line.
    If a number is not divisible by three or by five, then the program should simply print the number. Numbers should be printed on the current line, and they should be separated by a comma and a space from any following numbers or words.
    As a bonus, can you insure that there are no empty lines, and no lines that start or end with a comma and a space.