January 1994

San Diego

UCES - Undergraduate Computational Engineering & Sciences

This will be in the model of a structured library rather than a textbook series.

Worst aspects: machines slow, bugs in Maple, questions confusing, questions too difficult, machine access, labs taking too much time, too much to learn, too much physics math & economics, lack of science & engr background info.

Found major problems to be lack of problem solving and too much terminology.

Good aspects: like the hands-on experience and challenge of problem solving

Suggestion was made to provide answers for use as checks & balances.

Today's goal is to identify module and draft content of info. Goal is to have this available by fall.

January 29, 1994

Next meeting will be in Albuquerque April 15 & 16


A written version of module will be expected.

A draft of summary overview request will be expected about 2 weeks from today.

Jim will work to structure this meeting efficiently with the AiS teachers

Possibility of an Editorial Review Board was discussed math, physics mat sci background already active on committee

Corones & Martin will work together on recognition concern

Need to keep in mind community colleges for future possibilities.