

Clear breakpoints.


dbclear at lineno in mfilename
dbclear all in mfilename
dbclear all
dbclear in mfilename
dbclear if error
dbclear if naninf
dbclear if infnan


The dbclear command removes the breakpoint(s) set by a corresponding dbstop command.

dbclear at lineno in mfilename removes the breakpoint set at the specified line in the specified file.

dbclear all in mfilename removes all breakpoints in the specified M-file.

dbclear all removes all breakpoints in all M-file functions.

dbclear in mfilename removes the breakpoint set at the first executable line in the specified file.

dbclear if error clears the dbstop error statement, if set. If a runtime error occurs after this command, MATLAB terminates the current operation and returns to the base workspace.

dbclear if naninf and dbclear if infnan clear the dbstop naninf or dbstop infnan statements respectively, if set.

The at, in, and if keywords, familiar to users of the UNIX debugger dbx, are optional.

See Also

dbcont, dbdown, dbstack, dbstatus, dbstep, dbstop, dbtype, dbup

(c) Copyright 1994 by The MathWorks, Inc.