
I am an applied mathematician and computational scientist working on the efficient implementation of massively parallel, adaptive finite element method. I am a Professor in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. I am probably best known as a developer and maintainer of the finite element library deal.II and the mantle convection code ASPECT.

E-mail: heister@clemson.edu
Address: Timo Heister
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
O-110 Martin Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0975
Office: Martin Hall O-14
Phone: (864) 656-0411
Zoom: https://clemson.zoom.us/my/timo.heister
GitHub: github.com/tjhei/


Please see Home to get in touch with me and to get information like my office hours.

Fall 2024:

Spring 2024:

Fall 2023:

Spring 2023:

Fall 2022:

Spring 2021:

Fall 2020:

Spring 2020:

Fall 2019:

Spring 2019:

Spring 2018:

Fall 2017:

Spring 2017:

Fall 2016:

Fall 2015:

Spring 2015:

Fall 2014:

Spring 2014:

Fall 2013:

Research Interests

Current Research Funding

Current and Former Students and Postdocs



Please see my Google Scholar Profile or take a look at my ORCID: 0000-0002-8137-3903.

Papers Submitted


Papers in Refereed Journals

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Articles About My Work



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