There are currently three faculty that specialize in number theory at Clemson, with several affiliated faculty. Clemson offers several basic number theory courses so that graduate students leave Clemson with an overview of the entire subject.
There is an ADM seminar run by the Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, and Number theory group as well as an algebraic geometry and number theory (AGNT) seminar.
Graduate students are funded to attend the Palmetto Number Theory Series (PANTS), a conference held two times a year featuring talks by prominent number theorists from across the country. Once students have begun their research they are encouraged to give contributed talks at these meetings. The Southeast Regional Meeting on Numbers (SERMON) is also held once a year with faculty and graduate students from Clemson playing a prominent role.
Students with an interest in number theory should e-mail or stop by and speak with Robert Dicks, Daniel Martin or Hui Xue.