
Many topics of interest to coding theory, cryptography, and number theory require a broad base of knowledge in other areas of mathematics.  The challenge of graduate students beginning research in these areas is to get “up to speed” quickly on the background material they need in order for to get a feel for research problems and to get started doing research themselves. To meet this challenge, will we teach a four-week summer “bridge” program. We will choose topics to help new students understand basic objects, and we will pitch these topics at a level which requires minimal background. In this way, we will acquaint students with fundamental coding theory, cryptography, and number theory subjects which they would ordinarily wait at least one or two years to see in course work. A secondary goal of the program is to give students a primer on basic and essential general mathematics topics such as finite fields, linear algebra, and complex analysis, which will also assist them in preparing for qualifying examinations.

We will implement our bridge program as follows. We will offer one course each summer with a primary instructor
and one teaching assistant (senior graduate student). The instructor will lecture for 1.5 hours in the morning;
in the afternoon, the teaching assistant will meet with students for one hour to answer questions and work examples.
The instructor will assign homework and students will present solutions in a relaxed and friendly environment. In-class presentations will give students valuable classroom speaking practice. We plan to introduce SAGE via homework requiring computation.


Students interested in coding theory, cryptography, number theory, or a closely related area are invited to apply to participate in the PaRR. Current Clemson students should have just finished their first year of graduate studies and be in good standing; students having finished two years may be considered in some cases. Incoming students should be able to demonstrate a proficiency in undergraduate linear algebra and analysis in order to participate in the PaRR before their first semester. Those students interested in PaRR but unable to demonstrate such a proficiency will be directed to the standard bridge program and invited to participate in the PaRR the following summer.


We will fund up to six students with a $1,600 stipend and shared housing for one month to participate in the PaRR.


Students that have just completed their first year of graduate studies at Clemson or incoming students that are interested in the topics of the RTG and can demonstrate content knowledge equal to that of the material covered in the departmental bridge course (undergraduate linear algebra and analysis.)

Past PaRR programs: